How to Add a Favicon to a website

Titanium 3.3B

Sites using the latest Titanium Core version have an option to add the favicon by going to /admin/favicon and uploading a zip file. You can create the zip file by going to and uploading an image to be converted into a favicon. By default this only works on sites that were created after May 1st, 2020. Updating the Titanium Core in the module store will add the ability to upload the favicon zip file, but will not also include the code to use the favicons. In order for this to work you will need to add the following code to the site.master or it can be added in the site configuration under the Google Analytics or site wide meta settings:

Favicons are a small (typically 16x16 pixel) image that is displayed on the tab in the browser and in the bookmarks for a website. These should be simple images as highly detailed images will not display well at the 16x16px size. Images should be equal width and height as they are rendered as a square - not rectangular.

Older Titanium Sites (3.3 and older)

Older sites will need to have a file called "favicon.ico" uploaded to the root folder of the website. Browsers automatically look for this file and will use it if found. The file will need to be uploaded by a server admin as they are the only personell that have access to the site root folder.

WordPress Sites

Wordpress sites will vary depending on the theme that is installed. Some themes have an option to add a favicon or several favicon files of varying sizes. Look in the theme or customize settings for a favicon option. For WordPress sites that do not have a favicon option, a favicon.ico file will need to be uploaded to the root folder of the website. This needs to be done by a server admin as they are the only personell that have access to this folder.