Introductory Questions

**Please note, before asking these questions, please make sure to know who you are representing i.e. i4 or another agency**

  1. Get to know them. 
  2. Ask about previous experiences with digital marketing firms?
  3. What is your overall objectives/goal/hope for this campaign? Which KPIs(Key Performance Indicators) are most important to you?
    1. Traffic and Brand Awareness Goals are ideal for starting companies or companies looking to create or establish a digital and social presence. Example KPIs(depending on the services we are providing) for this would be Impression Share %, Clicks, Click Through Rate, Cost Per Click, View Rate, and Reach.
    2. Consideration and Conversions are ideal for growing companies looking to grow their business, workload and client base. Example KPIs(depending on the services we are providing) for these objectives would be Clicks, Cost Per Click, Click Through Rate, Conversions, Conversion Rate and Cost/Conversion.
    3. Loyalty and Advocacy objectives are ideal for companies with a digital and/or social presence that are looking to establish themselves more firmly and competitively in the market. Example KPIs(depending on the services we are providing) for these objectives would be Clicks, Conversions, Conversion Rate, Cost/Conversion, Engagement and Engagement Rates.
  4. Are there items that are more important to you than others (e.g. rankings, phone calls, traffic, form fills)
  5. We typically update you on your results.  If you would like to see the behind the scenes production we do to get those results, we can send that as well.  Is that something you’d like to have? Explain how the reporting dashboard works.
  6. Where do you like your leads to be tracked/stored (only if they use another CRM)
    1., Podio, Callrail, Slack, Other?
      1. If they have one that they want to use outside of ours, you need to specify that we will have to charge for that set up if they do not have someone on their team to be in charge of that. 
  7. What  products/services would you like to focus on.  How would you like us to prioritize these products/services?  Which is the most important to you?
  8. Review target audience.  Ask follow up questions.
    1. Age, Gender, Location & Spoken Languages
  9. What is their process? What is a typical customer experience? 
  10. Will they be doing call tracking? What are the benefits of call tracking and ask them if they want it? Also mention that we have the ability to ring multiple lines at once and that we will also record all calls for reporting purposes. Important to let them know that call tracking will make the phone numbers change on the ads and on the website depending on how the consumer found them.
    1. * IMPORTANT * With call tracking we can track calls and record calls, recording is optional thought because you need to ask the client if they 100% approve of us recording any calls from those who call these numbers.
      If they are any companies that may have private conversations that involve medical, personal info etc, they need to have explicit documentation with their clients so that their clients are aware of this.
    2. REQUIRED: all clients we have who want call tracking much sign this form (insert form here)
  11. What is the average value of a customer? *Not applicable to some industries*
  12. For several of our services having authentic images of the team and or jobs you are performing can significantly help in our marketing efforts. Do you have someone who takes these kind of photos, or someone that is willing to that we can work with?


Do they have SEO?  If so, use these questions: 

  1. Content on your website is one of the biggest factors in improving SEO and we like to create onsite blogs because of this. Would you like us to write and add onsite blogs to your website?
  2. Ask which kws they’d like us to focus on first. If they are not a new business they may send you a list. If they are new you will explain to them that we will do keyword research for them based on what services they want to focus on.  
  3. Ask them what geographies they want to target.
  4. Let them know that some of our SEO edits will be on their website.  If we make any edits to the front end content, we’ll let them know first.
  5. We’ll also be creating content off your website that will link back to your site.  This will improve your ranking credibility.  Some of the offsite linking content we will create includes articles, videos, and social bookmarks.
    1. Ask if they would like to see and approve of these before we post them. Ensure them that most clients do not and we do not recommend it because it slows down the SEO process. 
  6. Let them know that every month they’ll receive a report of their ranking, analytics, and Google My Business results from the previous month.
    1. Let them know you will be setting up a dropbox and will include it in the dashboard
    2. Let them know you will give them access to their dashboard after 2-3 weeks of the set up process
  7. Speaking of results, it usually takes a couple of months for rankings to start increasing.
  8. For the first 6 weeks we’ll reach out weekly via their preferred method (phone call or email).  Then, we’ll reach out monthly.  Is there a day or time that works best for you?  After this call, we’ll send you an outline of what we’ll be going over during those first 6 weeks in our call.
  1. Pull up their reviews and let them know the review quantity and average.  Ask them if they would be interested in incentives to gain more positive reviews?  If yes, go into review management.  
  1. If I was to challenge you to come up with a bold and audacious offer, that was anchor marketing?  What would that be? (Better than a free consultation).  It really would need to be something that would differentiate yourself. 


Do they have CPC? If so, use these questions: 

*Get Their Card Information to Use On Ads* We no longer want to be using our marketing card and invoicing them the budget

  1. Are you familiar with Google Ads? 
    1.  Let them know we will be creating a new Google Ads Account to run their ads on. We do it this way to make our work especially in onboarding more efficient. They can be given access to view the ad account.
  2. Do you have a specific geographic area you would like your ads to target?
  3. Do they have a specific time frame they would like their ads to run? (most go off of the office hours if that is what their industry best works with)
  4. If no SEO ask:
    1. Do they have selected keywords, or do they need help?
    2. What products or services are being offered that they want the ads to focus on?
  5. If I was to challenge you to come up with a bold and audacious offer, that was anchor marketing?  What would that be? (Better than a free consultation).  It really would need to be something that would differentiate yourself.
  6. Explain the importance of having landing pages.  Do they have a good existing landing page they’d like us to use for specific products/services or will we need to create one? Average cost of a landing page is $250.00 and goes up
    1. This is if you think they need a new landing page if we did not do their site
  7. Upsell call tracking.  What are the benefits of call tracking and ask them if they want it?  Also mention that we have the ability to ring multiple lines at once and that we will also record all calls for reporting purposes. Important to let them know that call tracking will make the phone numbers change on the ads and on the website depending on how the consumer found them. 
    1. * IMPORTANT *  With call tracking we can track calls and record calls, recording is optional thought because you need to ask the client if they 100% approve of us recording any calls from those who call these numbers. 
    2. If they are any companies that may have private conversations that involve medical, personal info etc, they need to have explicit documentation with their clients so that their clients are aware of this. 
    3. REQUIRED: all clients we have who want call tracking much sign this form (insert form here)
  8. Do you have “vanity kws” that you absolutely want to show up for?
  9. Are you planning on, or interested in running video ads on YouTube?
    1. Do you have a YouTube Channel? If not we can create one.
    2. Would you like us to create the videos for the ads?
      1. Are you willing to provide content to assist us in video creation?
  10. We prefer to connect their card to the ads account so they are directly charged from Google and not needing to be invoiced the budget from QB. *the same will go for if they have retargeting as a service*

    1. Discuss this with the client
    2. Get full credit card information



  1. Review Items from what sales input in ClickUp if any
  2. Remind them that social media is a top of funnel marketing strategy.
  3. Based on the package they were sold on, discuss the schedule we’ll do and our process of creating a sheet of posts and sending them over for review.
    1. Really good time to upsell based on what they want from their social media (ie. story posting, more custom posts, etc)
  4. If I was to challenge you to come up with a bold and audacious offer, that was anchor marketing?  What would that be? (Better than a free consultation).  It really would need to be something that would differentiate yourself.
  5. IT IS SUPER IMPORTANT THAT WE GET CONTENT FROM THEM. How willing are they to share videos or photos of their everyday practice so we can share to the social media. The most personal and unique things we can post the better their instagram looks. You want to strive to give your brand a face that people can trust. 



*Get Their Card Information to Use On Ads* We no longer want to be using our marketing card and invoicing them the budget

  1. What budget are they looking to have?
  2. What services would they like the social ads to focus on? Will we be making the ads or do they have content they have used in the past that they like?
  3. If I was to challenge you to come up with a bold and audacious offer, that was anchor marketing?  What would that be? (Better than a free consultation).  It really would need to be something that would differentiate yourself.



  1. What budget are they looking to have for retargeting. (We usually recommend a budget between $300-$500) but for small companies it can be lower and still be worth while to have. 
  2. Do they have ads they have used in the past that they would like us to run or should be create our own?
    1. If we are creating new ads what services would they like us to focus on for the ad set?
    2. Do they have a call to action or phrase they feel sells their brand well and gets people interested?
    3. If I was to challenge you to come up with a bold and audacious offer, that was anchor marketing?  What would that be? (Better than a free consultation).  It really would need to be something that would differentiate yourself.
  3. We usually want to use their card directly and not invoice them in QB
    1. Discuss this with them
    2. Get full credit card information



*the amount of questions you ask them will depend on the package size*

  1. We will create a Google Doc Spreadsheet that we would like you to update with name, email and phone number of customers.  We would like to prompt you to update this spreadsheet. When would be the best time for us to reach out to you (weekly, monthly, bi-monthly)?  *dependent on the package they want*
  2. When is the best time for us to reach out to your customers via email/text? 
  3.  When you put the names on the list, we assume that they are ready to give a review.  Is that correct? 
  4. We like to keep track of our results.  Currently, you have (x) numbers of reviews and a current star rating of (y).
  5. Which review platforms matter to you?  We will need the logins to those places so we can connect them to our dashboard to send out reviews. That way any time we send out a review people can choose where they would like to post it. 
  6. Do you need us to help respond to reviews?
  7. We will let you know at the end of the month how many new reviews you got. 
  8. Part of the review process is that we take some of the best of the best reviews and uploading them to the website.  Do we have your permission to add a section on your homepage that highlights some of these reviews?
    1. *This is only something we do for certain packages*



  1. Ask the client, based upon the expectations they set and our deliverables, if there is anything else we can do to make sure they have a great experience as our goals are twofold. 100% client satisfaction and achieving results. 
  2. We like to do weekly calls/emails for the first month and then we go to monthly calls after that, unless you would like to have more frequent communication, just let us know. Can we schedule time right now to set the weekly times/meetings for us to review your campaign?  (mark it on your calendar) 
  3. Set a quarterly meeting to review their campaign (Add to calendar and send SEO & Client invites for this meeting).
  4. Immediately following this call you will send them a kick-off call recap email. This will outline what you just talked about and ask them for the needed logins or acces we may need for the services. 


Communication: Please inform the client that they will sometimes get emails directly from you at your email address (please make sure you don't mistake an i4 email address if it need to be stated as an amplify address, etc. and then let them know that at other times, they will get emails from ClickUp as well, please help them understand why that is and why they will be getting emails from two different email addresses.

Let them know that there is a 30 Day cancellation policy: for production that may be in process and any software fees

Billing (Don’t discuss this with clients for partner accounts. We don’t handle their billing): Also in this section it is imperative to review when you are starting work for them (date) and when they will be seeing the first invoice (date). Verify if the invoice email is going to them or someone in their billing department. Ask if they have any special needs when it comes to billing. I want you to tell the client that we will generate an automatic invoice that will be emailed to you each month on this day (date). The invoice will remain the same each month unless you authorize us to do additional work.  We will typically automatically run the payment method noted on file.  Do you have any questions or concerns?