How to renew the SSL on the server
- Generate and save the CSR and Private Key
- Purchase the SSL
- Set up the SSL using the CSR generated in step 1
- After SSL is approved, download and unzip the SSL certificate
- Convert the SSL certificate to PFX file - use same password as certificate store uses
- Import the SSL on the email server in IIS
- Update the bindings in IIS to use the new SSL certificate
- Export the SSL certificate using this format [year] - for example if the certificate was purchased in 2017 the exported file name would be - save the exported file to C:\SmarterMail\Certificates
- Log in to the email server via the web interface
- Click on the "Settings" icon
- Click the "+" next to "Bindings"
- Click on "Ports"
- For each port that is either SSL or TLS enabled (checked) do the following
- Click ont he port
- Click the "Edit" button at the top
- Update the file name in the certificate path to the new certificate
- Re-enter the password
- Click the "Verify Certificate" button to ensure the SSL is valid - you should see a green bar with the message "The test was successful". If not, Check the file name and password to ensure they are correct.
- Click the "Save" button